Practical Guidance for Bonds to Advance Gender Equality by UN Women, IFC and ICMA

Global debt capital markets can play a defining role in driving finance toward gender equality

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Practical Guidance for Bonds to Advance Gender Equality by UN Women, IFC and ICMA

Practical guidance is now available for bond issuers looking to launch bonds that will progress gender equality. UN Women, IFC and the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) issued “Bonds to Bridge the Gender Gap: A Practitioner’s Guide to Using Sustainable Debt for Gender Equality” which is the first global guideline for gender responsive sustainable debt. The guidance aligns with the existing ICMA thematic Bond Principles and is aimed at both the public and private markets.

Global debt capital markets can play a defining role in driving finance towards gender equality. For issuers, gender themed thematic bonds offer an opportunity to lead on advancing gender equality, diversify their investor base, as well as define and communicate their commitment to the market. With the exponential increase in thematic debt issuances, integrating a credible gender lens into the bond and reporting framework is key to ensuring sustainable bonds lead to transformative impact.

Read the guidance here.

UN Women