Soilless Agriculture Practices such as Hydroponics and Aquaponics

Soilless Agriculture Practices such as Hydroponics and Aquaponics
Soilless Agriculture Practices such as Hydroponics and Aquaponics
SectorMost major industry classification systems use sources of revenue as their basis for classifying companies into specific sectors, subsectors and industries. In order to group like companies based on their sustainability-related risks and opportunities, SASB created the Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®) and the classification of sectors, subsectors and industries in the SDG Investor Platform is based on SICS.
Food and Beverage
Food and Agriculture
Business Model Description

Invest in production of agricultural goods through soilless and pesticide-free agricultural methods such as hydroponics and aquaponics to conserve water while increasing quality of yield

Expected Impact

Reduce agricultural water consumption by 95% while greatly increasing yield.

Indicative ReturnDescribes the rate of growth an investment is expected to generate within the IOA. The indicative return is identified for the IOA by establishing its Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Return of Investment (ROI) or Gross Profit Margin (GPM).
15% - 20% (in ROI)
Investment TimeframeDescribes the time period in which the IOA will pay-back the invested resources. The estimate is based on asset expected lifetime as the IOA will start generating accumulated positive cash-flows.
Short Term (0–5 years)
Market SizeDescribes the value of potential addressable market of the IOA. The market size is identified for the IOA by establishing the value in USD, identifying the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) or providing a numeric unit critical to the IOA.
10% - 15% (CAGR)
Average Ticket Size (USD)Describes the USD amount for a typical investment required in the IOA.
USD 500,000 - USD 1 million
Direct ImpactDescribes the primary SDG(s) the IOA addresses.
Zero Hunger (SDG 2) Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6)
Indirect ImpactDescribes the secondary SDG(s) the IOA addresses.
Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12) Climate Action (SDG 13)
Sector Sources
  • 1) The Republic of Tunisia, 2021. Voluntary National Review 2021. 2) The Republic of Tunisia, 2019. Voluntary National Review 2019. 3) Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries. FAO 35th Regional Conference for the Near East. 4) Republic of Tunisia, 2018. Economic Recovery Plan 2019-2020. 5) French Development Agency, 2021. North Africa Regional Strategy 2021-2025. 6) FAO, 2021. FAO supports a new startup that facilitates market access for small farmers and Tunisian artisans. 7) APIA, 2021. 475.1 Millions de dinars d'investissements agricoles privés durant les onze premiers mois de l'année 2021. 8) SwitchMed, 2018. Tunisia. 9) Switchmed, 2021. 10) African Manager, 2021. Agriculture: Des cultures hors sol sont possibles en Tunisie, assure un chercheur. 11) Kapitalis, 2021. L'agriculture hors-sol, la reponse au deficit hydrique chronique. 12) Siyada, 2021. Quand les monocultures envahissent les périmètres irrigués et menacent la biodiversité tunisienne. 13) Gonnella,M.;Renna,M., 2021. The Evolution of Soilless Systems towards Ecological Sustainability in the Perspective of a Circular Economy. Is It Really the Opposite of Organic Agriculture? Agronomy. agronomy11050950 14) Metabolic, 2017. The Global Food System: An Analysis. 15) Grow It Yourself. Formations.
IOA Sources
  • 16) African Manager, 2021. Lancement de Celavie, projet italo-tunisien d’aquaponie. 17) Aquatic Network, 2019. Global Aquaculture Market Predicted to Grow to USD 274.8 billion by 2025. 18) Oxford Business Group. 19) World Crunch, 2020. In Tunisia, A Digital Revolution For Agriculture Takes Root. 20) NABC, 2018. Tunisia Business Opportunity Report Agriculture. 21) Global Information Society Watch, 2020. Water scarcity in Tunisia: Environmental activism, sustainable development and technology. 22) DW, 2020. Bringing water to Tunisia's struggling farmers. 23) Plackett, Benjamin, 2018. Researchers See Water at Root of Tunisia’s Inequality Problem. Al-Fanar Media. 24) Adejumo et al, 2020. Agricultural Solid Wastes: Causes, Effects, and Effective Management. 25) UNDP, 2020. Engaging private sector in NDC implementation - Assessment of private sector investment potential for the water sector in coastal areas. 26) Invest in Tunisia. Provided Financial Incentives.