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Build and operate production plants and laboratories for medicines for non-communicable diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, obesity, etc.), vitamins, and supplements. Develop complementary delivering mechanisms directly to customers, using various methods such as online ordering, mobile apps or delivery services. Needed inputs include research and development, production facilities, and a broad knowledge base of researchers and labor. In addition, companies often rely on patents and other forms of intellectual property and must comply with strict regulatory requirements governing their products' development, testing, and marketing. In Serbia, public health insurance is mandatory and is provided by the National Health Insurance Fund. The fund covers the cost of medical services, including doctor visits, hospitalization, diagnostic tests, and medication. Private health insurance is also available in Serbia, but it is not mandatory, and the coverage varies depending on the policy. Some medications may not be covered by public health insurance in Serbia, particularly newer or more expensive drugs. In such cases, patients may need to pay for the medication out of pocket or seek alternative treatments. However, the government is working to expand the list of drugs covered by public health insurance to ensure that everyone has access to essential medication.
Increase accessibility of medicines and improve healthcare situations, especially for marginalised communities.