Deliver Impact

landscape photography of blue solar panels, chile. photo by Antonio Garcia.

Photo by Antonio Garcia

Deliver Impact

Learn about what qualifies as SDG-enabling investment and understand global sustainability principles, frameworks, tools and reporting.

Wind turbines during daytime

SDG Impact Standards

Global standards for how investors and enterprises manage and measure their impacts on sustainable development and the SDGs.

Versions 1.0 are available for download in English with translations to other languages currently in production:

Discover a compendium of guidance notes and links to useful resources for the SDG Impact Standards.

Click through to the Japanese language version of the SDG Impact website here.

Women education in Afghanistan, UNDP Afghanistan

Impact Education

A free Impact Measurement & Management for the SDGs course, developed with CASE at Duke University, teaches investors and enterprises how to integrate impact management practices into decision making - in line with the SDG Impact Standards - and increase their SDG contributions.


Impact Assurance

An Assurance Framework, including training to build capacity, capability and consistency within the assurance community, is being set up to accompany the SDG Impact Standards. An SDG Impact Seal and associated governance is under development by a Design and Implementation Working Group.

View of valley with rivers from helicopter cabin, by thomas hetzler

GISD Navigator

A toolbox for investors to realise sustainable development investing and for companies to rethink their business model towards the SDGs, as compiled by the Global Investors for Sustainable Development (GISD) Alliance convened by the United Nations (UN) Secretary General.