
Tirana scene

Photo by UNDP Albania

Europe & Central Asia

Albania is implementing important structural reforms that will support equitable growth, raise productivity and competitiveness in the economy, create more jobs, and improve governance and public service delivery. Enhanced regional connectivity and access to regional and global markets, coupled with export and market diversification, can also help promote faster growth. 

After weathering the consequences of the 2019 earthquake, COVID-19 pandemic, and cost-of-living crisis, the Government’s focus is now on full recovery with special focus on tourism, agriculture, and digitization as well as increased attention to climate change and the environment. 

In 2023, growth reached 3.3% as private consumption, exports, and investment increased despite rising energy and food prices. Despite another year of exceptional growth in tourism, growth is likely to remain at similar levels in 2024. Poverty is expected to continue to decline as employment and wages rise. The country’s medium-term prospects hinge on global recovery, structural reforms, and fiscal consolidation. 

Source: World Bank, Albania Country Overview

Investment OpportunitiesDescribes the number of investment opportunities in the country.
Most Affected SDGsDescribes the three priority SDGs the investment opportunities address in the country.
Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12) Zero Hunger (SDG 2) Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8)
Priority Target SectorsDescribes the three priority sectors the investment opportunities address in the country, based on the SASB Sustainable Industry Classification System®️ (SICS®️) classification.
Food and Beverage, Renewable Resources and Alternative Energy, Transportation
Ease of Doing Business ScoreDeveloped by the World Bank, the Ease of Doing Business Score helps assess the absolute level of regulatory performance over time. An economy’s ease of doing business score is reflected on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 represents the lowest and 100 represents the best performance.
See the World Bank Ease of Doing Business site for more information.
Human Development IndexDeveloped by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Human Development Index is a summary measure for assessing a country’s long-term progress in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living.
See the UNDP Human Development Index site for more information.


Opportunities 15 Investment Opportunity Areas
